Jay Pelosky is Co-Founder and CIO of TPW Investment Management (TPWIM), a global, multi asset, ETF based investment solutions provider.
TPWIM’s suite of portfolio solutions includes the flagship Global Macro Multi Asset (GMMA) solution with its ten year track record. Formed in 2018, TPWIM also offers custom and OCIO services in partnership with SMArtX, a leading technology platform for financial advisors.
“Covid-19 Vaccine Is ‘Kryponite’ for Tech Stocks”
Jay leverages his 30+ years of financial experience in close to 50 countries to help clients navigate the investment process from idea generation to vehicle/manager selection across both the active/passive and public/private divides. Jay is a sought after commentator on political economy and financial markets, speaking at conferences around the world, appearing regularly on TV, Bloomberg channels, Real Vision (RV) and writing for such publications as the Financial Times.
On a recent podcast, Jay discussed lessons learned over his 30 + years in the global investment game and how those lessons have underpinned our bullish view. Jay recounts his days at Morgan Stanley, trained under Barton Biggs, and responsible for allocating capital across asset classes and countries. Jay discusses the internet bubble that imploded as the century began and pivot to today’s post Covid markets: dominated by tech, propelled by low rates and preoccupied by a certain event coming in November. Jay’s framework views the world as tri-polar, with the US, Asian and European economies vying for global leadership and with a non-consensus view that Europe may finally turn a corner.
In the video above, Jay Pelosky lays out his thinking for the next 3-6 months including an ETF based, global cross asset look at risks & opportunities. This video focuses on the near term outlook for cross asset markets, going in depth on several key points: the likelihood of a (healthy) NT pullback in extended Tech – US equity, how tightening US polls are bearish risk, speed of science in the Covid Age & asset implications of a vaccine, the inception of a long duration Sov bond bear market and how rising rates are the fulcrum for the rotation trade.
See below Jay’s latest piece, providing insights on the current US Elections, Stimulus & the Vaccine.
Check out Jay’s most recent contribution on the topic “From Rotation to Post Covid Transition: The Biden Plan(s) & the Rise of Thematic Investing”. Click this link to watch it for free.